Wondering what the best way to straighten teeth is? Let's find out more about teeth straightening!

What’s The Best Way To Straighten Teeth?



23 March 2022 | 4 min read
image of teeth mould for blog about the best ways to straighten teeth


23 March 2022 | 4 min read

Article Summary

    Braces are used to correct or straighten crowded, crooked or misaligned teeth and are one of the most popular dental treatments available. Typically, dental braces are a treatment to straighten adolescent teeth, but more and more adults are choosing to get corrective braces later on in life. 

    With around 200,000 people in the UK getting braces each year and around 25% of these being adults, this shows that more and more people are investing in their smiles by choosing to straighten their teeth with braces. If you’re considering getting braces, you may be wondering what the best way to straighten teeth is, so let’s take a look at some of the different types of teeth correction treatments we offer here at Beyond Dental!


    Braces For Children & Teenagers

    Once children start to lose their milk teeth and their adult teeth begin to grow through, this is typically where many dental concerns begin. Mouths can become overcrowded with the development of new teeth coming through, which then pushes the other teeth in order to make room. As well as this, some adult teeth may become impacted or not grow through properly, which can cause gaps in smiles. 

    Here at Beyond Dental, we believe that everyone should be happy with their smile and that goes for children and teenagers, too. We have a few different treatments available for straightening children’s and teenagers’ teeth at our Beyond Dental clinics, so in order to find the best way to straighten teeth, we’ll ask you to pop in for a consultation. Our dentists can take a closer look at their teeth and suggest the best treatment for them, whether it be traditional wired braces, removable retainers or Invisalign treatment. 

    As we’re a private dentist, we can set aside longer appointment times so that we can get to know your child better. We understand that getting braces, especially as a teenager, can be quite a big decision to make, especially at a time when they might be more self-conscious about their appearance. We aim to do all we can to find the best way to straighten teeth in a way that is suitable and practical for them! 



    Teeth Straightening for Adults

    If you’re looking for the best way to straighten teeth as an adult, then the first thing we would recommend is to make an appointment for a consultation with our team of dentists. This is so we can get a better idea of your current oral health and teeth condition and what teeth straightening treatment will provide the best results for your individual circumstance. It might be that you need more corrections making, so traditional wired braces would be more suited, or perhaps you just have a slight misalignment, so Invisalign is the perfect option. 

    We understand that, as an adult, you might not want to show the world that you’re undergoing teeth straightening treatment, which is why we offer a few different options in order to provide you with the best way to straighten teeth that suits you. From invisible aligners to removable braces, we’ll provide you with the best option in order to get you the results you want to achieve in the shortest amount of time. In some cases, you may need minor dental surgery or tooth removal, but this can be discussed and explored during your consultation. 


    So, What’s The Best Way To Straighten Teeth?

    There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to the best way to straighten teeth and is a totally unique decision that is made based on each individual patient. In some cases, dental braces may not even be needed and instead removable aligners are the best option for you. We recommend that, if you are interested in teeth straightening treatments, you visit us at your local Beyond Dental clinic or arrange a virtual consultation to discuss the best treatment option for you. Let’s get your journey to a straighter smile started!